Product listing, repricing and accounting for up to 30 different platforms...
Run your entire Reselling or Retail Arbitrage business with Ursa Lister and stop using multiple applications to get work done. Sell on eBay, Amazon, Facebook, and dozens of other platforms.
Channel Advisor
Ursa Lister
Streamline e-commerce operations, expand to new marketplaces and grow sales — all from a centralized platform that YOU own.
We help connect your products to 100s of global channels, including marketplaces, digital marketing channels, retailers with whom you have a wholesale or dropship relationship, and your own webstore.
Turn potential buyers into customers at the moment it matters.
Ursa Lister optimizes your product content across every channel at scale, manages pricing and syncs inventory levels across your entire retail network.
Multichannel selling is a challenge for most brands. Ursa Lister provides a holistic view of your brand across your entire retail network, allowing you to monitor product assortment, pricing, product content, and search performance.
Create Product Feeds to ANY or ALL of the Following Marketplaces
- Google Shopping
- Google AdWords
- Google Review Feed
- Google Dynamic Search Ads
- Google Promotions Feed
- Facebook Catalog Feed
- Pinterest Catalog Feed
- Pinterest RSS Feed
- TikTok Ads
- Bing Local Inventory Feed
- Amazon
- eBay
- NexTag.com
- PriceGrabber.com
- Kelkoo.com
- Houzz.com
- Dealtime.com
- Affiliatewindow.com
- Bing Ads
- Idealo.de
- Beslist.nl
- ffshoppen.nl
- vergelijk.nl
- siroop.ch
- Jet.com
- Wish.com
- bizrate.com
- Shopping.com
- Shopzilla.com
- ShopMania.com
- Shop.com
- PriceSpy.co.uk
- Prisjakt.nu
- Pricefalls.com
- Pricerunner.co.uk
- Comission Junction (cj.com)
- Polyvore.com
- Fruugo.com
- Fruugoaustralia.com
- Opensky.com
- 11Main.com
- Shopbot.ca
- Twenga.com/
- Wine-searcher.com
- Ammoseek.com
- Avantlink.com
- Connexity.com
- Linkshareuk.com
- Bonanza.com
- Pepperjam.com
- Criteo.com
- Pixlee.com
- Adroll.com
- GraziaShop.com
- Leguide.com
- Hardware.info
- Pricewatch.com
- Newegg.com
- Webgains.com
- Rakuten.com
- Quicksales.com.au
- Mysmartprice.com
- Pricena.com
- Pricejugaad.com
- Yaoota.com
- Buyhatke.com
- Comparekaro.pk
- Adform.com
- Polyvore.com
- Stylight.com
- Spartoo.co.uk
- Shopee
- Choozen
- Ciao
- PriceMinister.com
- Skinflint
- Rakuten
- Etsy
- Bol.com
- CrowdFox.com
- Real.de
- Incurvy.co.uk
- Allyouneed.com
- Apomio.de
- Billiger.de
- Domodi.de
- Fashiola.de
- Geizhals.de
- Guenstiger.de
- Hood.de
- Ladenzeile.de
- Livingo.de
- Medizinfuchs.de
- Moebel.de
- Mybestbrands.de
- Preis.de
- Restposten.de
- Sparmedo.de
- Stylelounge.de
- Stylefruits.de
- Marktplaats.nl
- Spartoo.nl
- Ooshopping.nl
- Vergelijk.nl
- Kieskeurig.nl
- Tweakers.net
- Kleding.nl
- Shopalike.it
- Trovaprezzi.it
- Skroutz.gr
- Manomano.fr
- Cdiscount.com
- Fnac.com
- Comparer.be
- Cherchons.com
- Miinto.com
- Ricardo.ch
- Kauftipp.ch
- Zap.co.il
- Zalando
- Smartly.io
- Stylight.com
- Yahoo Dynamic Product Ads
- TheNextAd.com
- Modina.de
- Pametno.si
- Nabava.net
- Pametno.rs
- Rakuten.de
- Modalova
- Wine Searcher
- Goedgeplaatst.nl
- Snapchat template
- Fashionchick.nl
- Catch.com.au
- Zbozi.cz
- Heureka.cz
- Profitshare template

Easily create the most optimized and error-free Google Shopping Product Feed or Google Merchant Feed, Facebook Catalog Feed, Pinterest Shopping Feed, InstagramCatalog Feed, TikTok Catalog, Snapchat Catalog, eBay Ads, Bing Ads, PriceRunner, Rakuten, PriceSpy, Kelko, & 100+ more channels for your WooCommerce Store.
Ursa Lister supports over 100+ recognized channels. Hence, you can reach out to any marketplaces, search engines, affiliate sites, or price comparison sites to extensively promote your products to the customers.
Creating a product feed using Ursa Lister – has become easier than ever. Struggle no more in creating the most perfect and subtle product feed for your designated and preferred marketing channels for internationally prominent marketplaces, along with other notable ones as well.
It aims to reduce your hardship on marketing efforts to create product feeds and distribute them in multiple marketing/shopping channels. There are flexible options to update product information according to your given schedule and sync the update to the right channel via HTTP or FTP/SFTP. Stay at ease knowing that your customers will automatically get the latest product information.
No matter what the size of your inventory is, you can upload all of your products with no restriction imposed. From hundreds to thousands, you can upload unlimited products of your online store into any of the channels mentioned above, and that too with subtlety.
Like unlimited products uploading, you can make an infinite number of feeds containing any number of products of any sized store. You can access all the product feed files from the Manage Feeds option. To find the right feed out of a massive collection of feeds, you can look at the unique name of the feed instead of looking at the URL for your convenience.
Categories are the essential key to get products into search results. It is best practice to assign the most matching shopping engine category to your online store category for each product. During the creation of your product feeds, you can also create a category for that particular product. And after creating the category, you’ll get an option to map it to your marketplace category so that you can make two categories aligned to each other. This feature is mostly used for Google Shopping feed and Facebook/Instagram product feed. The process is dynamic & you can map all of your categories to make them more relevant & reachable to buyers.
One of the most critical factors of promoting and selling your products through various merchant centers is to get the right search for the Google product category. Your inventory products must have the correct category so that customers can find them easily and relate them to their daily needs. Remember, the Google product category you select for your products may not match your desired marketing channels. You will have to come up with the right category. Ursa Lister gives you that opportunity to create your individual products categories that are in keeping with the channels’ categories. This feature is mostly used for Google Shopping product feed, Facebook Catalog feed, Pinterest Catalog feed, and others who follow Google Shopping Feed Structure.
Once you are done with the category-creating of your product in the Category Mapping, you can then navigate the initial categories to the newly created categories. It makes the customers’ searching easier, and your product gets more discoverable on the search engines.